Showing 1–15 of 28 results

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1031 I Pack of 250pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1032 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1033 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1034 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1035 I Pack of 250pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1037 I Pack of 250pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1038 I Pack of 250pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1039 I Pack of 250pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1040 I Pack of 250pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1041 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1042 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1043 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper | BSI 1047 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Chocolate Wrapping Paper Aqua Blue | BSI 1054 I Pack of 200pcs

Original price was: ₹546.00.Current price is: ₹330.00.

Stylish and Durable Chocolate Wrapping Solutions

Looking for the perfect chocolate wrappers to make your homemade treats look amazing? Our collection of chocolate wrappers has everything you need! From custom chocolate wrappers to chocolate foil wrappers, we’ve got you covered.

Custom Chocolate Wrappers

Do you want your chocolates to stand out? Our custom chocolate wrappers are just what you need. Personalize your chocolate wrapping paper to match any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or any special event, your chocolates will look unique and special.

Chocolate Foil Wrappers

For a classic and shiny finish, check out our chocolate foil wrappers. These wrappers not only keep your chocolates fresh but also add a touch of elegance. Perfect for gifts and special occasions, they make your chocolates look professional and polished.

Why Choose Us?

At BakeGuru®, we are passionate about baking and understand the needs of bakers. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • High Quality: Our products are made from top-notch materials to ensure your chocolates look and taste great.
  • Wide Variety: We offer a wide range of designs and colors to suit every occasion and preference.
  • Customization: We allow you to create custom designs to make your chocolates truly unique.
  • Fast Delivery: We deliver fresh and top-quality products right to your door, no matter where you are in India.


BakeGuru® offers the best chocolate wrappers because we care about making your chocolates look as good as they taste. With our wrappers, you can wrap your chocolates with love and care, knowing they will impress anyone who sees them.

Qualities of Our Products

Quality Description
High Quality Made from top-notch materials
Wide Variety Many designs and colors
Customization Create unique and personalized designs
Fast Delivery Fresh products delivered to your door across India

Engaging and Persuasive Language

Get ready to make your chocolates shine! Our wrappers are not just about looks—they protect your chocolates and keep them fresh. Imagine the smiles on your friends’ and family’s faces when they see your beautifully wrapped treats.

Call to Action

Ready to wrap your chocolates in style? Shop now and discover our amazing selection of chocolate wrappers. Your chocolates deserve the best!


Detailed Product Information

  • Size: Various sizes available
  • Color: Multiple colors to choose from
  • Material: High-quality paper and foil
  • Dimensions: Customizable dimensions
  • Weight: Lightweight for easy handling

With BakeGuru®, your baking projects are in good hands. Our chocolate wrapper will help you create stunning, delicious treats that everyone will love.


Which Paper is Used for Chocolate Wrapping?

Chocolate wrapping typically uses high-quality, food-safe paper that ensures the chocolate stays fresh and protected. Common types of paper used include wax paper, parchment paper, and specially coated papers that provide a barrier to moisture and air.

What Paper is Best for Chocolate Wrappers?

The best paper for chocolate wrappers is food-grade wax paper or parchment paper. These types of paper are non-stick, moisture-resistant, and protect the chocolate from external elements, ensuring it stays fresh and maintains its quality.

What Are Chocolate Wrappers Made Out Of?

Chocolate wrappers are generally made out of a combination of materials to ensure both aesthetic appeal and functionality. The main materials include:

  • Wax Paper: Provides a moisture-resistant barrier.
  • Parchment Paper: Non-stick and durable for wrapping.
  • Foil: Offers excellent protection against light and moisture, keeping the chocolate fresh.
  • Plastic Films: Sometimes used for additional protection and to seal in freshness.

What Is the Best Thing to Wrap Chocolate In?

The best thing to wrap chocolate in is a combination of food-grade foil and wax paper. Foil provides an excellent barrier against light and moisture, while wax paper ensures the chocolate does not stick and maintains its shape and texture.

What Is the Best Material to Wrap Chocolate?

The best material to wrap chocolate is aluminum foil combined with a layer of wax or parchment paper. This combination provides optimal protection against environmental factors such as light, air, and moisture, ensuring the chocolate remains fresh and intact.